
International Health Insurance in Canada

Make the most of your time in the land of ice hockey and maple syrup with international health insurance in Canada.

Perched at the top of North America, Canada boasts the world’s longest coastline and more lakes than any other nation.

Yet there’s so much more to Canada than hiking trails and mountain vistas. Expats are drawn by the promise of extensive job opportunities and weekend escapes to nature.

A comprehensive healthcare package can give you peace of mind, whether you’re a working expat or traveling for business.  

Learn more about the country’s healthcare system and how international health insurance in Canada works with Cigna.

How does Canada’s healthcare system work?

Canada offers a public healthcare system that you contribute to through your taxes. It means most general and emergency health services are free if you’re a permanent resident.

This public health insurance system is called Medicare. You’ll need to apply for a health card to receive medical assistance through the system.


Pros and cons of using Canada’s public health system


Medicare offers a range of potential benefits:

  • A universal system meaning any permanent resident can apply.
  • High standards of care across hospitals and doctors’ surgeries.
  • No charges for common healthcare services.

Obtén un presupuesto hoy


Pero también conviene tener en cuenta los posibles inconvenientes:

  • Specialist services aren’t covered – most dental care, for example.
  • Regional differences – with each Canadian province and territory running things in its own way.
  • Waiting times – with Medicare applications taking up to three months.

What’s the difference between public and private healthcare in Canada?

Público Privado
Free use of common services. Paid, but offers more specialist treatments.
Can apply through Medicare. Shorter wait times to access experienced doctors.


How can international health insurance help you in Canada?

Private international health insurance can support your life in Canada. It’s a helpful alternative to Medicare, which is only available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Private plans are also helpful if you’re staying for the long term but waiting for a Medicare application to go through, whether that’s just for you or includes your family. Health cards can sometimes take weeks or even months to arrive.

Obtén un presupuesto hoy

Elegir un seguro de salud internacional

Para empezar

Responde a algunas preguntas e introduce tus datos personales para empezar.

Elige tu plan de seguro

Compara planes y encuentra un paquete flexible que se adapte a tus necesidades.


Recibe tu presupuesto y protégete hoy mismo.

Cigna Global Health Options (CGHO)


Cobertura internacional o internacional excepto en EE. UU.

1 000 000  $

Límite de beneficios anuales:


La ventaja principal de un plan Silver es que proporciona cobertura internacional, tanto hospitalaria como externa, en la que se incluyen ingresos en el hospital y tratamientos.

Módulos adicionales disponibles:
  • Ambulatoria
  • Evacuación y Crisis Assistance Plus™
  • Salud y bienestar
  • Visión y dental
  • Vista general de la cobertura principal por hospitalización:

    • Límite de beneficios anuales: 1 000 000  $
    • Tratamiento hospitalario y externo
    • Habitación individual
    • Cobertura completa para cáncer
    • Cobertura de atención para recién nacidos


    Cobertura internacional o internacional excepto en EE. UU.

    2 000 000  $

    Límite de beneficios anuales:


    Cobertura completa, con límites anuales generales más amplios y beneficios adicionales, entre los que se incluye la atención de maternidad hospitalaria.

    Módulos adicionales disponibles:
  • Ambulatoria
  • Evacuación y Crisis Assistance Plus™
  • Salud y bienestar
  • Visión y dental
  • Vista general de la cobertura principal por hospitalización:

    • Límite de beneficios anuales: 2 000 000  $
    • Tratamiento hospitalario y externo
    • Habitación individual
    • Cobertura completa para cáncer
    • Atención de maternidad hospitalaria


    Cobertura internacional o internacional excepto en EE. UU.

    Cobertura íntegra

    Límite de beneficios anuales:


    Nuestro nivel más alto ofrece una cobertura anual general ilimitada con la mayoría de los beneficios pagados en su totalidad.

    Módulos adicionales disponibles:
  • Ambulatoria
  • Evacuación y Crisis Assistance Plus™
  • Salud y bienestar
  • Visión y dental
  • Vista general de la cobertura principal por hospitalización:

    • Límite de beneficios anuales: Cobertura íntegra
    • Tratamiento hospitalario y externo
    • Habitación individual
    • Cobertura completa para cáncer
    • Atención de maternidad hospitalaria
    • Asistencia de salud mental y conductual completamente pagada

    Plan Cigna Close Care℠

    Close Care

    Cobertura para el país de residencia y para el país de nacionalidad

    500 000 $

    Límite de beneficios anuales:


    Un plan de salud básico, diseñado para los que solamente necesitan cobertura en su país de residencia y en su país de origen.

    Módulos adicionales disponibles:
  • Atención ambulatoria y de bienestar
  • Tratamiento y atención odontológica
  • Vista general de la cobertura principal por hospitalización:

    • Límite de beneficios anuales: 500 000 $
    • Límite de afecciones: 250 000 $
    • Tratamiento hospitalario y externo
    • Habitación doble
    • Cobertura completa para cáncer

    Why choose Cigna for health insurance in Canada?

    • Access to leading medical professionals with coverage in over 192 countries.
    • Flexible plans to suit your needs.
    • 24/7 access to Cigna's leading customer care team.
    • Years of experience in delivering international health care.

    Obtén un presupuesto hoy

    Preguntas frecuentes

    No, international health insurance, whether for expats or long-term business travellers covers you for extended periods in your host nation. Standard travel insurance is usually more suited to short-term visits, like a family holiday, and works on the basis that you will continue any long-term treatment in your home nation.

    You just need to get in touch with our Customer Care Team to start your claim. Contact us when you have your treatment booked, or as soon as you can after any unforeseen or emergency care, and we’ll get you started.

    Whether you’re moving to Canada for work or family reasons, private coverage goes beyond the basics of Medicare.

    Depending on the provider you choose, it can deliver extended services like:

    •    Prescription medications and glasses
    •    Dentistry
    •    Physiotherapy
    •    Ambulances

    In the long run, insurance from a private provider may not prove essential for every expat moving to Canada. For example, those seeking permanent residency may find Medicare offers enough coverage once they’ve settled in.

    However, it might feel necessary if you have concerns about accessing Medicare or require more specialised health services. International plans can also cut waiting times, giving you faster access to private care.