Plan de salud regional

Nuestra solución: Cigna Close Care

  • Cover in the country you’re living in and your home country for return visits
  • Access to a global network of 2,2 million hospitals and health care professionals
  • Emergency medical coverage outside of your area of coverage for short trips
  • 24/7 access to our customer care team
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At Cigna Healthcare we specialise in international health insurance for expatriates. We guide our customers through the health care system, empowering them with the information and insight they need to make the best choices for improving their health and vitality. As your whole health partner, we have a suite of health care tools to support your wellbeing journey. Our flexible Cigna Close Care plan covers you in the country you’re living in and your home country for return visits.

Plan detallado

Close Care

The core Cigna Close Care plan covers you for inpatient and daypatient cover, including hospital stays and treatment, in your country of residence and for up to 180 days in your home country per period of cover.

  • Límite de beneficios anuales: $500.000

  • Area of Coverage: Home and Host country only

  • Condition limit up to $250.000

  • Semi-Private room only

  • Atención oncológica completa hasta 250.000 $

  • Radiografías médicas y escáneres hasta 2.500 $

  • Rehabilitación, incluida fisioterapia, hasta 2.000 $

  • A&E Room Treatment

  • Servicios de trasplante


The Silver plan provide international inpatient and daypatient cover, including hospital stays and treatment.

  • Límite de beneficios anuales: $1.000.000

  • Area of Coverage: Worldwide including or excluding the USA

  • Habitación individual

  • Atención oncológica completa hasta 1.000.000 $

  • Radiografías médicas y escáneres hasta 10.000 $

  • Rehabilitación, incluida fisioterapia, hasta 5.000 $

  • Tratamiento en sala de urgencias hasta 500 $

  • Servicios de trasplante

The Cigna Close CareSM Difference

Herramientas digitales

Our Cigna Wellbeing app gives you access to Global Telehealth to easily speak with a doctor or specialist.

Flexible plan design

Choice of deductible and cost sharing options to suit your budget.

No age restriction

We don’t apply an age limit and can cover you regardless of your age.

Whole Health Services

Extensive programmes and additional resources to look after your health and emotional wellbeing.

Planes detallados

An overview of key benefits, for full benefits please view our Product Brochure [PDF]

This is your essential cover for inpatient, daypatient and accommodation costs, as well as cover for cancer, medical evacuation, mental health care and much more.

Annual overall benefit limit 500.000 $

Límite de afecciones

250.000 $

Cargos hospitalarios Semi-Private Room

Advanced Medical Imaging (MRI, CT and PET scans)
As part of Inpatient, Daypatient or Outpatient treatment.

2.500 $

Asistencia de salud mental y conductual 3.000 $

Atención oncológica

up to overall annual limit
Cobertura de hospitalización de urgencia fuera de área 40.000 $

Evacuación médica

50.000 $

Telemedicina Unlimited Consultation
Annual overall benefit limit
500.000 $
Límite de afecciones
250.000 $
Cargos hospitalarios
Semi-Private Room
Pruebas de imagen médica avanzada (RMN, TC y TEP)
Como parte del tratamiento hospitalario, externo o ambulatorio.
2.500 $
Asistencia de salud mental y conductual
3.000 $
Atención oncológica
up to overall annual limit
Cobertura de hospitalización de urgencia fuera de área
40.000 $
Evacuación médica
50.000 $
Unlimited Consultation

The optional Outpatient and Wellness Care covers you more comprehensively for outpatient care that may arise where a hospital admission as a daypatient or inpatient is not required.

Annual Outpatient and Wellness benefit maximum 5.000 $
Consultas con médicos generales y con especialistas 650 $
Consultas Telehealth 650 $
Vendajes y fármacos con prescripción 500 $
Pruebas patológicas, radiológicas y diagnósticas
(excluding Advanced Medical Imaging)
1.000 $
Fisioterapia 1.000 $
Revisiones de detección del cáncer 225 $
Examen físico rutinario para adultos 225 $
Annual Outpatient and Wellness benefit maximum
5.000 $
Consultas con médicos generales y con especialistas
650 $
Consultas Telehealth
650 $
Vendajes y fármacos con prescripción
500 $
Pruebas patológicas, radiológicas y diagnósticas
(excluding Advanced Medical Imaging)
1.000 $
1.000 $
Revisiones de detección del cáncer
225 $
Examen físico rutinario para adultos
100 $

Maintain your oral health with the optional Dental Care and Treatment option. Esta opción cubre una amplia gama de tratamientos dentales preventivos, rutinarios o especializados.

Annual Dental Care and Treatment benefit maximum 750 $
Tratamiento dental preventivo Paid in full, up to annual benefit maximum
Tratamiento dental rutinario 80 % de reembolso por periodo de cobertura
Tratamiento dental restaurativo complejo 70 % de reembolso por periodo de cobertura
Annual Dental Care and Treatment benefit maximum
750 $
Tratamiento dental preventivo
Paid in full, up to annual benefit maximum
Tratamiento dental rutinario
80 % de reembolso por periodo de cobertura
Tratamiento dental restaurativo complejo
70 % de reembolso por periodo de cobertura

Why Choose Cigna Healthcare for a regional specific plan?

Your Whole Health Partner

Access to tools including our Clinical Case Management Programme, Chronic Condition Programme and Cigna WellbeingTM app support you throughout your healthcare journey.

Cobertura específica de país

Paga solo por la cobertura donde más la necesites: en tu país de residencia y tu país de nacionalidad, así como una cobertura de emergencia fuera de esta zona para necesidades médicas inesperadas.

Asistencia completa

Tratamiento hospitalario y ambulatorio, cobertura de salud mental y atención oncológica en tu cobertura principal.

Protección añadida

Mediante una serie de pruebas de prevención del cáncer, revisiones rutinarias de salud y sesiones de asesoramiento y coaching para el apoyo físico y emocional.

Preguntas frecuentes

At Cigna Healthcare, we believe a customer of any age deserves access to suitable health care for their needs. Por eso no rescindimos la póliza de seguro de salud de un cliente en función de su edad y no aplicamos un límite de edad en ninguno de nuestros planes.

Cuidamos de nuestros clientes mediante el acceso a más de 2,2 millones de socios, incluidos 300.000 proveedores de atención médica de salud mental y conductual, más de 67.000 farmacias contratadas y más de 150 médicos y enfermeros internos. We offer in network direct billing, and for all inpatient and day patient treatment we require prior authorisation, which simplifies your customer journey.

As a Cigna Customer, you have access to our Mental and Behavioural Health Care covered under your core inpatient and daypatient benefit within the international health plans as standard. We have an optional Outpatient and Wellness module which offers our Life Management Assistance Programme providing confidential assistance with any work, life, personal or family issue that matters to you through counselling, telephone support and online programmes.

The Cigna Close CareSM plan covers you in your country of habitual residence and your country of nationality. This means you only pay for coverage where you need it most, in the country you will be living and when you return home for temporary visits. These temporary visits may not exceed 180 days per period of cover, and the country of nationality must be within the area of coverage.

Your Cigna Close CareSM plan has a condition limit of $250.000 per beneficiary, per period of cover. This includes all claims paid across all sections of inpatient, daypatient and outpatient treatment in relation to one specific condition. Claims for any one specific condition cannot exceed the annual limit of $250.000.