Expat Stories – Neil Thomson
August 2019   EXPAT STORIES

Expat Stories – Neil Thomson

Neil Thomson works as a Telemarketing Associate at Cigna Global IPMI’s office in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).
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This is his expat story.

Háblenos de su mudanza. 

I moved from Glasgow to Dubai last October. For the first month, I stayed at the Crowne Plaza, which was quite nice! I’ve now got my own place in the Dubai Marina. It all happened very quickly, and I found Dubai to be very different, but the fun of adjusting to the changes is what expat living is all about.

¿Cuáles son los aspectos más destacables de su vida como expatriada hasta ahora?

I’ve been enjoying socialising with friends of mine from work. The climate here is also a big highlight. Apart from those, I would say my biggest highlights here have been settling into life in Dubai and playing golf. The expat experience throws you in to situations and scenarios with people that you just wouldn’t have been involved in at home, so I’m grateful for that.  

¿Cuáles han sido los mayores desafíos hasta ahora?

Missing family and friends is obviously the biggest challenge that comes with being so far away from home.

¿Qué es lo que echa de menos de su país de origen?

It might sound like a cliché, but I must admit that I’m missing Irn-Bru (a popular Scottish soft drink) from back in Scotland. Also, the fresh Scottish air is something that a miss. As you can imagine, the air is a bit different here in Dubai!

¿Le gusta su puesto en Cigna?

My role here at Cigna is very enjoyable, especially when the sales are going well. Being an expat myself, I have a new found appreciation and understanding of the service we’re providing to our customers.

What advice would you give to those who are considering making a move to Dubai?

I would advise expats to get out and go for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

It can be hard at the start but once you settle in you will be sure to enjoy the Dubai life.

Para terminar, ¿cómo describiría su viaje como expatriada en 10 palabras o menos? 

Amazing highs and some lows. A rollercoaster of emotions.

Seguro de salud internacional

At Cigna Global, we provide plans that are specifically designed for expats just like you.

Descubra más información sobre nuestros planes aquí.

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